We've just released our softest, comfiest, coziest socks yet! Our new Ultra Comfort Collection features a soft terry cotton footbed and an arch support that feels like a warm hug around your footsies. They're so soft and comfortable that it got us to thinking... What are some other things that might compare? Welcome to our list of 5 things that are almost as soft as our Ultra Comfort Collection.
First up! The Marshmallow. Did you know that Americans buy 90 million pounds of marshmallows each year, about the same weight as 1,286 gray whales. That's a whole lot of softness... but not as much softness as our Ultra Comfort Socks. We have way more than the weight of 1,286 gray whales in softness. It's not even close.

Next we have Pussy Willows. Question: What are those soft little little blobs anyway? Are tiny rabbits tails? Why are they so dang soft and fuzzy? Answer: They're actually flowers just before they fully bloom. The soft coating of hairs acts as insulation to protect these early bloomers from cold temperatures. Soft, but still not as soft as our new Ultra Comfort Collection.

What about fluffy clouds? They are so fluffy! What if I told you they weren't actually fluff... What if I told you that as the warm air cools, the water vapor in it turns into tiny water droplets or ice crystals. These tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals eventually form a cloud. They're like pretend fluffy...

Baby kittens gotta be the softness thing ever! Right? Well, you might think that, and we can see why, but they're only soft until they get ya with their super sharp/tiny paw daggers. If given the choice, you should totally snuggle up to a pair of our new Ultra Comfort Collection socks instead.

Last but not least! Goslings. And we're not talking Ryan Gosling. No, we're talking baby ducks that are so soft and fluffy that they require zero swimming skills but can still hatch out of an egg float around a pond like it's nothing. Bad news though, they're not soft enough to fly. Nice try, but our socks are so soft they can fly (Disclaimer: This is an outright lie. Our socks do not fly. We just couldn't lose to a baby goose).

And the Winner is! Our new Ultra Comfort Collection socks! It was a close race, but there could only be one super soft comfy cozy thing to rule them all. Click the image below to check them out! Note: clicking the photo will take you to our women's collection. If you're looking for the men's collection, please use the menu to navigate.